Monday, September 24, 2012

Social Networks Concept Map

Social Networks

Social Networking is the "bread and butter" in the world of technology. It is often uncommon to come upon someone in today's working world that does not have any form of social media. While Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Google+ are the most popular among college students, there are many more forms of networking available. In education social networking is on the rise, schools today are often using these programs to have better connection between parents and administration. For example: Rankin County School District has a Facebook and Twitter account ran by their Informational Technology Department to relay messages from the Superintendent to the Parents about important  events that could take place from school closures, or emergency events.

I.       Instagram

Instagram is a miniature version of photoshop, but in application form. This allows the user to apply preloaded filters on to photos that they wish to upload to the social network of their choice. Instagram was launched in October of 2010 with the intent of allowing users to "amp" up their photos with ease, soon Facebook would catch wind and buy this application . Users can use hashtags (#) to link their photos to certain events or sayings. For example: #SMTTT.

A.    Followers

B.    Photos


1.    Like

2.    Comment

II.     Facebook

This social network launched in 2004 with the intent of connecting Harvard and other Ivy League schools to one website, so came the birth of FaceMash (Soon to be renamed The Facebook). Mark Zuckerburg's intent was for this website to connect college students all over the world together, but it soon broke wind into highschools and even adults. Now Facebook is the biggest social networking site in technological history. With Facebook businesses can show to their consumers the inventory in stores, or even motivational speakers can share with their audience where and what they are speaking on or about. The most common use for Facebook is to post pictures, statuses, and events that is pertinent to the user's life, so that other users may comment and see whats going on in someone else's world.

A.    Friends

B.    Newsfeed


2.    Statues

III.    Twitter

Twitter is a simpler version of Facebook. It allows the user to post statuses bound to 140 characters. The user can use hashtags (#) to connect their tweets to an event or others tweets to see what is popular and what is trending. Schools are getting really involved in this movement because of how simple the updates are for parents!

A.    Followers

B.    'Tweets'


2.    Favorites

IV.    Pinterest

A.    Boards

Completely different from the updates for educational purposes, Pinterst has become the world wide women's sites for anything and everything. A board for recipes and and quick tips for the busy moms who does not have the time for a super fancy dinner. From seasonal holiday crafts, to classroom activities anyone can get their creative juices flowing through this application. It is now available for both the Internet use, as well as on iPhones and iPads.

1.    Repin

2.    Wedding Board

Every female that has pinterest that is single I can guarantee has their wedding of their dreams planned out. If it is not bad enough, my mother and grandmother have my wedding planned for me. HOW CONVENIENT!!!

B.    Pins

V.     Google +

A.    Blogger

B.    Circles

1.    Hangout

2.    Events


  1. intresting topic.. something we all know about!

  2. Very organized. I love your background on your blog. And I love the clouds because they remind me of social networks. Also it was interesting seeing that there are so many different social networks. You did a good job explaining each network and seemed like you really knew what you were talking about with each one.

  3. I like this concept map and how it pertains to us. This would be a good lesson to teach students around the middle school level.

  4. You did a good job explaining the different social networks. I like how you linked your social networks to your concept map.

  5. I really like your topic because it relates more to the older students than the younger ones. You made a good point that most all of us have at least one of these social networks if not all. You did very well explaining each social network.

  6. Emily's concept map was very good because everyone is familiar with these social networks. It is very simple and easy to understand.

  7. Your topic is a great topic because it relates to everyone in this room. Your design is easy to read and fun. I like the clouds for the topics.

  8. Good way to cover the basics of social networks while also keeping it simple.

  9. I liked that she made it personal by not just going over social networks. It made it interesting by talking about and showing her own pinterest board.

  10. very well organized and i would have thought about this topic...High school/middle school level would enjoy this a lot...
